Lex Vorona

Lex has 20 something years of software engineering experience mostly on the Application security side. Being an OpenSource enthusiast Lex tried to make the world of OpenSource software more secure. Currently trying to do this with Sonatype set of products.

Lex has talked about OAuth2 best practices for the BSides VI 2019 and is always looking for ways to share the ways in which modern applications could be designed with Application Security in mind.

2023 Talk

Talk Title: A story of one Secure Multi-party Computation failure

Talk Abstract:
Secure Multi-party Computation is a well-established approach to data security. The data is encrypted at rest, during processing and all operations on the data are verifiable.
I spent a year building a Rust framework to perform MPC and failed to turn it into a viable product. In the talk I will introduce the concept of MPC and highlight its benefits. The main focus will be on the MPC shortcomings when it comes to turning a concept into a Software Product.

2019 Talk

Talk Title: OAuth2 best practices

Talk Abstract:
Coming Soon