Bea Venzon

Bea Venzon is a Security Researcher at CrowdStrike, where she specializes in tracking and analyzing botnets, information stealers, and ransomware. With a strong background in Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis, Bea has presented at conferences such as Diana Initiative, REcon, and BotConf. A self-proclaimed lifelong learner, Bea is continually seeking to expand her knowledge and skills to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. 

2024 Talk

Talk Title: Rhadamanthys: The new stealer making WAVs in the eCrime landscape

Talk Abstract:

In September 2022, Rhadamanthys first appeared in the eCrime landscape, with detailed forum posts that continue to capture the attention of both threat actors and security researchers. The malware itself is technically complex, utilizing a multi-stage infection chain, compression, encoding, steganography, and encryption to make analysis and detection more difficult.

This presentation provides a summary of Rhadamanthys’ components. The talk will also dive into how the Rhadamanthys developer positions themselves in the market, focusing on their early efforts to develop a customer base by focusing on ease of use and customer support. Using CrowdStrike telemetry, we will also look at statistics on Rhadamanthys' customer base.

The audience will gain a better understanding of Rhadamanthys’ technical workings, and gain insights on how Rhadamanthys fits into the eCrime malware ecosystem.